Semiotic Explanation of Codes in Architectural Representation Methods

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Takestan Branch, Takestan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran


In semiotics, the concept of representation is defined as a way of evaluating the meaning hidden in the texts. Today, the use of architectural representation, as a central concept in the creation of reality, is as common as the use of maps and sketches. What is clear is that architectural representation has found its methods in ordering and giving the meaning to the signs; so to find their meanings in architectural texts, one must use those concepts that make the understanding of representation easier. The concept of codes transforms signs into a meaningful system by structuring them, and that is why it is represented along with the concept of representation in the present study. The architectural representations also need to be combined, constipated and expanded using a qualitative research method and their semantic system must be decoded. To this end, the semantic explanation of different types of architectural representations based on the relationship between their codes is considered as the main issue of this paper. In this regard, to understand the fundamental differences between different types of architectural representations, three general schemes are assumed for them, then in the analytical section, using an interpretive and structural approach, combinations of architectural representations and coded, based on hypotheses, are presented in tables. In this way, the obtained interpretations can enhance the capacity of architectural representation, especially in the area of implicit architectural meanings. Consequently, it can be stated that semiotics explains architectural representations as a medium of form and meaning production. The three principles of chronological order and contrast, apparent similarity and spatial proximity, as well as the influence of other related texts, are considered as the most important signification for the formation of architectural representations, each of which create new semantic connections among architectural codes.


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