Quantitative Measurement and Spatial-Location Analysis of the Urban Visual Axes with an Emphasis on the Visual Qualities; Case Study: Connecting Axes to the Enghelab Square of Zanjan

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Architecture and Urbanism, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Urban Designing, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student of Urban Designing, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.


The public areas of the city as a platform for public human activities necessity not only be comprehensible and safe but also need to have perceptual values for the users. Visual values are the most significant part of environmental qualities. Citizens' perception of the visual qualities of the city depends on the introduction of visual values and image and urban landscape, which is considered desirable by citizens. In this regard, and to improve the visual quality of the environment, the purpose of this study is to identify the criteria and visual values of urban visual corridors and their spatial-location analysis based on quantitative indicators and criteria. Also, considering the value of citizens' perceptions of the urban public area, the importance of each of the factors with the final output as the quality of visual values in the visual corridors has been measured quantitatively and spatially. For this purpose, the visual corridors leading to the Enghelab Square of Zanjan, which also has historical and cultural values, have been selected for study and evaluation. The present spatial research method is descriptive-analytical that to quantitatively measure the objectives, spatial regression analysis, and spatial modeling with the use of ANP logic in Super Decisions and GIS environments have been used. The results show that the legibility with an average value of 0.58 has a higher quality value in the study site and the factor of green and natural space with an average weight of 0.41, and the urban landscape elements with an average weight of 0.36 are in the next ranks. have taken. Also, the results of calculating the spatial regression between the factors and the final quality of visual values showed that from the citizens' point of view, the legibility factor with the spatial regression rate of 0.80 and the continuity and sequence factor with the correlation rate of 0.66 and the walls and environmental aesthetics criteria with correlation rate of 0.52, respectively, had the highest correlation coefficient with the final output of the quality of visual values in the study area.


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