An Identification of the landscape Basic Concepts and its Crystallization in Ancient Iranian Constructions (From the Beginning up to the end of Achaemenid Period)

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. in Architecture, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.


Landscape architecture in Iran`s past has always crystallized the formation of the Persian gardens through the history of this country. Many of the travelers` accounts, remind us of a honoring past in the field of Iran`s ancient landscape design. Landscape designing, as deeply rooted in nature, has always had an important role in the life of ancient human beings, though different from architecture in many cases. It has always perfected the blend of the outer and inner spaces in the Iranian architecture. Due to its straight connection with the outside environment, it can easily affect peoples` culture, Identification and their methods of life. It is obvious that further studies on recognition of the ancient Iranian landscapes clarify the religious, social and cultural aspects of peoples` lives of the time. Based on the above findings, this article studies the basic concepts of the landscape architecture and its formation in Iran. The position of landscape design and its blend with the other aspects of art are considered afterwards. Herein, the connections between ancient architecture and landscape design in the Iranian houses are considered in details.


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