A Comparative Study of Hasan Esmaeilzade Paintings with Ashura Subject with Maqtal Rozat-Al-Shohada Context

Document Type : Original Article


This article is a comparative study about the relationship between content of "Rozat-
Al-Shohada" and depicted stories of "Qahve-Khaneh" paintings of Ashura.
In Qahve-Khaneh paintings, so many stories are observable just on one painting canvas,
when there is not exact information about origins of many of them. It seems that
possibility of sources of these stories is something ranked between historic events,
elegies and lamentations, sermons, taziahs and superstitions.
It is presumable that one of the most important sources of these depicted stories are
"Maqtals"-historic books about how on "Ashura" day "Imam Husain" and his loyal
friends martyred in "Karbala"- and one of the most famous and popular maqtals
between people is Rozat-Al-Shohada written by "Molla Husain Kashefi".
Having wealthy literary prose and combining incidents with some details more than
historic stories caused prevalence of Rozat-Al-Shohada in the latest ten century- anno
hegirae- and after it as this book affected sermon rites and Taziahs and religious
paintings after it; whereas, it s historic credit is criticized by most of the researchers.
This article studies some of paintings drawn by "Hasan Ismaelzadeh" - one of the most
famous painters of Qahve-Khane painting style- which declare Ashura incident as case
study according to content of rozat-Al-Shohada to clarify how much these stories are
affected by the book .In the next step how much rozat-Al-Shohada s stories are right
historically is probed." hemaseye Hosayni" and "Lolo va Marjan" are two books
written by "Morteza Motahari" and "Mohades Noori" about falsifications and
permutations of Ashura incident and "Nafas-Al-Mahmoom" and "Lohoof" written by
"Abbas Qomi" and "Ibn Tavoos" are two maghtals described this epoch mostly right
historically, according to most researcher s idea, are the books that are used to distinct
real historic stories from the others
This article clarifies although Qahvekhaneh painters were strongly affected by Rozat-
Al-Shohada , the influence of the other Maqtals and also stories and legends about
Karbala incident which are popular between people are not ignorable. Painters often
preferred stories that impressed themselves and their addresses emotionally no matter
how much historically they are right.


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