Identifying Measures and Indicators Affecting the Walkability of Neighborhoods with a Sustainable Neighborhood Development Approach Case Study: Chizar Neighborhood, Tehran, Iran

Document Type : Original Article



Sustainable transportation with the aim of urban sustainable development aims to improve the environmental quality and the socio-economic condition. One of the most important strategies for achieving sustainable transportation is planning and designing for walking, or in other words increasing urban walkability. Therefore, increased walkability has become a key issue in urban planning. Understanding influential measures on urban and neighborhood walkability for residents have become very important. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to identify the factors affecting walkability in order to improve neighborhoods' sustainability from the residents’ point of view. The results of increased walkability are investigated through various social, economic and environmental aspects. This article is based on a subjective approach to define the effective measures on walkability in the case study of Chizar neighborhood in Tehran. Therefore, the article is an applied analytical one based on quantitative analysis. Based on a survey technique, 200 sample questionnaires were collected. The data then was used to conduct correlation and regression analyses. The results show that the most important factors affecting the residents’ perception of walkability include access to daily and weekly needs, sense of security and safety, environmental aesthetics, permeability and traffic characteristics.


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