Explaining the Ratio of Flexibility and Spatial Organization in Housing with Space Syntax Method; Case Study: Atisaz, Mahan, and Hormozan Residential Complexes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Architecture, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran.

2 Department of Architecture, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).

3 Department of Architecture, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Architectural spaces with the capability of spatial organization and internal transformations can respond to a greater number of their users' needs at different times and thus provide more desirable performance than single-functional spaces. The necessity to access this ability is one of the subcategories of flexibility in housing as a contemplative subject. The purpose of this research is to provide an analytical model in relation to recognizing the space syntax method and using its indicators to measure flexibility in housing. Residential complexes in Tehran city are evaluated as a research society. In order to better express the problem, this research attempts to answer the question of how to use the indicators of the space syntax method to measure flexibility in housing. The research method in the present study will be of mixed type and its performance method will be based on computer simulation. The information-gathering method is based on the library study, and also the field survey includes using available information and observation. The information-gathering tool includes cognitive maps, noting, coding, and testing for the space syntax method through the Depthmap software. The information analysis method in space syntax is done through five components of connectivity, integration, choice, control, and depth. Flexibility is also examined based on the concepts of multi-functional space, seasonal and daily displacement, and segregation and aggregation. The results show that the spatial organization in residential complexes in Tehran city is based on the connection of the kitchen space with the living, dining, and catering spaces. Accordingly, the most connectivity, integration, and control, as well as the least depth, take place between them, which has led to the increased flexibility of spaces in relation to various activities. However, bedrooms are just a place to do a specific activity and rest, which confirms the reduction of their flexibility.


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