Evaluation of Physical Factors Affecting Cultural Consumption Patterns in Shopping Centers; Case Study: Palladium, Kourosh, and Tirajeh Shopping Centers in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. of Architecture, Visiting Professor in Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tehran Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 cAssistant Professor of Interior Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Arts, Tehran, Iran


In recent decades, the nature of cities has been indebted to a set of territorial factors and integrated and multi-layered connections between their constructive factors. However, now a significant part of this nature has been reduced to the presence or absence of signs, functions, and bodies. One of the results of these changes is the increasing formation of functionalist centers such as shopping centers; centers that are introduced as a platform for consumerist events. Evidence suggests that a cultural change has occurred in the function of shopping centers that has led to the emergence of new kinds of cultural consumption and thus, physical changes in these centers. Therefore, by selecting three shopping centers, the present study, based on the attitude obtained from the literature of the related studies, compares the considered indicators in them. This study is applied descriptive-analytical research, in which theoretical data are collected using library research method, and the field data are collected by observation and using questionnaires. After studying the theoretical literature on cultural consumption, 21 criteria are extracted to examine case studies in terms of 10 physical factors. Also, the information required to investigate the samples is obtained by using purposeful observation and completing 300 questionnaires by the clients, and then, processed using data mining technique in IBM SPSS Modeler software. The study results suggest that the proposed hypothesis on the impact of physical factors on consumption patterns in many cases can explain the process of changes. Also, it seems that shopping centers are part of the temporary culture of people who spend their time there; and the spaces in them are not only parts of consumption, but also are consumed themselves


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