Evaluating the Effect of Physical Components on the Promotion of the Sense of Security in Educational Spaces from the Perspective of Students; Case Study: High Schools of Bojnourd

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Arts, University of Bojnourd, Bojnourd, Iran


The physical safety of educational spaces is one of the most important measures in planning and design of such spaces. The present study aims to investigate the importance of physical security and identify environmental variables creating security in educational spaces and physical factors affecting students' sense of security in educational spaces located in Bojnourd. This study is survey and correlational research. The present study seeks to answer the following questions: What factors affect security? What are the most important physical factors influencing a safe school? What are the most important socio-interpersonal factors influencing a safe school? According to the research questions, the following hypothesis is explained for the research: "The environment affects the promotion and improvement of security. Therefore, Friedman's statistical test and Pearson's correlation are used to determine the relationship between independent and dependent variables and its intensity. Accordingly, six components are assessed. In summary, the results of this study indicate a significant relationship between the indicators from the students' point of view and the sense of security. According to the correlation coefficients, the indicators can be prioritized as follows: territoriality, supervision, space quality, activity, access control, and management and maintenance. The results indicate that about all six indicators, the mean of optimal status obtained from the students' perspective is significantly different from that obtained from the teachers' perspective. The highest difference is associated to the access control indicator and the least one is associated to the indicators of management and maintenance and space quality. It can be concluded that the respondents do not give the same rank to the sub-indicators. For students, access control and supervision sub-indicators are at the forefront of the current state.


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