Feasibility Study of a New Urban Public Space in Arak Mohajeran Town Based on Right to the City Theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Architecture Faculty, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


One of the most important issues in strategically planning the development of immigrant suburban settlements in industrial cities is that the sociological, psychological and cultural dimensions of the city grow naturally at the same time as the physical development of the city grows to become a living place responsive to all aspects of human existence as citizens. In this study, based on the theory of right to the city, it is attempted to analyze and propose the optimal place for constituting a public urban open space, tailored to the needs of the target community, in the Arak Mohajeran town. Based on a qualitative research approach and intentionally using a comparative-deductive inference research design, the theoretical framework and the principal components of the right to the city were first obtained from library studies. The qualities of public domain can be classified into four components: physical, functional, social and semantic. Then, by distributing the structured questionnaire among the residents of the town and the academic elite, the criteria and sub-criteria were weighted using analysis hierarchical process (AHP). The results showed that among the selected options from field research, site A with ultimate weight of 0.333 was considered the most suitable site. Among the criteria, site permeability was weighted 0.375, and among the sub-criteria, network traffic and site access had the most impact. In the criterion of identity and vitality, the presence of space with a weight of 0.257 was the most important factor. In the criterion of readability, accessibility with a weight of 0.290 and in the criterion of dynamics and adaptability, continuity of neighborhood residents from past to present with a weight of 0.360 has the most impact and so it shows that residents have given greater importance to maintaining social structure in terms of accessibility and sense of place attachment.


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