Effective Patterns in formation and evolution of educational spaces in Iranian school buildings of Seljukid era and developed schools afterwards

Document Type : Original Article


1 architecture department,architecture & urbanism engineering faculty, shahrood university of technology, shahrood, iran

2 Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Urbanism, Shahrood University of Technology



The Seljukid era is considered as a turning point in evolution of school buildings of Iran. The schools of this period developed certain characteristics that continued their presence in the following periods. But which types of buildings have influenced the structural design of spaces of them and which patterns were affecting the evolution of spaces in that period?
This study aims to find the backgrounds which lead to the architectural design of formal building schools through the Seljukid period and beyond in history of Iran. Some hypotheses are presented by the researchers who believe the main design of school buildings were based on certain types of buildings; however, the authors believe that some special pattern(s) have been influencing the evolution of school buildings features, since the existing hypotheses are not united, through a reformative perspective on the historical and evolutional approach, and multifunctional characteristics of spacial structure of those buildings.
The present study tries to investigate the architectural patterns influencing the structural spaces within Seljukid schools (the primitive type) and further on (evolved building types), and then, analyze them in terms of architectural space structures.
The findings show that each basic element in Seljukid school buildings and those of later periods in terms of functionality have their roots in various types of buildings which have influenced the design patterns: The original Seljukid schools are based on the nine-part introverted Achaemenid design pattern and the post-Seljukid schools are based on a combination of introverted and extroverted Achaemenid design patterns. In general, the nine-part Achaemenid pattern is the essential core on which the Seljukid and post-Seljukid school buildings are based on. This ancient pattern can still be considered as a golden rule when designing modern educational spaces since it features rich meaningful concepts and high architectural structure flexibility.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 13 February 2024
  • Receive Date: 07 July 2023
  • Revise Date: 27 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 27 November 2023