Estimating Important Factors on the Trip Attraction to Urban Park Comparative Study of Three Parks: Arghavan, Fadak, Atre sib Parks in Baghershahr City

Document Type : Original Article



Transportation planning estimates the number of trips generation and attraction to each land use category. In this research important factors on the trip attraction to urban park have been discussed because of importance of urban green space especially parks in the urban Planning. For this survey the Arghavan, Fadak (District Park); Atre sib (Regional Park) in Baghershar city, Tehran province have been studied. Then special model has been developed for each of them. These models generated by using standard linear regression and necessary tests have been implemented: So Tolerance, Durbin-Watson and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests are used in this research. All tests confirm the validity of regression models that calculated. The results have been shown that by increasing of the monthly household expenses, he would not like to go to the regional park. Single people prefer to go to district parks and married people tend to go to regional parks, they would like to go there in the afternoon and evening. Regional park visitors tend to spend more time to go to the better park. Older people go to district parks on the most of days, although the variable does not apply to the regional park because they aren’t able to go to a regional park. Finally according this research, social factors such as marital status, economic factors such as employment status and monthly household expenses, and other factors such as time and facilities can influence on the trip attraction to urban parks.
