The Role of Urban Rules and Regulations on Realizing Integrated Urban Management in Tehran Metropolitan

Document Type : Original Article



The aim of present article is to examine the impact of urban rules and regulations on realizing integrated urban management in Tehran Metropolitan Area. First, the urban management and integrated urban management literature is reviewed, analyzing and determining the role of regulations in urban management. Then for answering the research questions, we utilize mixed method approach; based on this approach, the needed data is gathered, using case study method (qualitative) and survey method (quantitative). In the present research, data were gathered from 64 academic staff and managers in the field of urban management and urban planning. Data analysis was conducted using K-S test, one sample and two independent samples t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Findings show the impact of rules and regulations on integrated urban management (sig=0.000). These findings also show the impact of functional, structural and organizational factors on integrated urban management (sig=0.000). Finally, based on these findings, the importance of rules and regulations in integrated urban management and present implications for improvement of urban management in Tehran metropolitan are discussed.
