Studying Flexibility Factor in the Architecture of Khaneh-Hussainias Using Space Syntax Theory with Approach to Social Relations, Case Study: Amini, Razavi and Akhavizadegan Khaneh-Hussainia in Qazvin

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.

2 Master of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.


In recent years, space syntax theory has been used for analyzing spatial configurations; these analyses mostly focus on social aspects. According to the space syntax theory, space arrangements affect the space usage in buildings. This paper aims at studying spatial configurations of some traditional houses in Iran in terms of flexibility factor. Besides of having the housing function and providing inhabitancy, having Hussainia function and providing a place for holding religious ceremonies, these buildings have turned to a flexible space due to those two different functions. Considering building time of these houses, Qajar period, they are taken into consideration of these terms. This paper discusses flexibility as a quality factor due to the concept of space syntax. Three Khaneh-Hussainias have been selected by the nonprobabilistic sampling from the city of Qazvin, named Amini, Razavi and Akhavizadegan. Then the access graphs of these houses are represented as data processing matter with convective degrees of two functions. Orosi has been introduced in this paper as an element that influences flexibility of spaces. The methodology of this paper is based on descriptive-analytical research in order to be adopted with plans of the houses for analyzing data. The results which are concluded from deductive argumentation demonstrate that flexibility in these houses is formed from justified space syntax on the basis of sociocultural factors.


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