The Impact of Built Environment on Walkability, Case Study: North-West of Shiraz

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Faculty of Urban Planning, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D Student, Urban Planning, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 MSc. of Urban Design, College of Art and Architecture, University of Shiraz. Shiraz, Iran.

4 MSc. of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Physical activity is connected with adults’ health in many ways, and walking is the most popular form of physical activity among adults all over the world. The authors have previously studied this issue in an under-construction environment in a new town in a developing country. The present study investigates the impact of built environmental features and qualities on walkability in developed areas in relatively well-to do neighborhoods in a city (Shiraz). The 34 effective variables of the built environment on walkability are extracted from the literature. Built environmental features and residents’ transport and recreation walking were gathered through perceived manner. Factor analysis was, then, run for the measured built environment features, from which 8 factors were extracted. They were interpreted in terms of related variables. This study reveals that the only qualities that have significant effect on recreation walkability are comfort and attraction, safety, aesthetics whereas transport walking is only influenced by steepness of sidewalks. Contrary to the existing literature, Accessibility, public transportation, pollution, and sidewalk quality have no significant effect on walkability. These results demonstrate that lifestyle factors such as personal free time, pedestrian-related habits, car-dependence habits, sexualized habitus, inabilities, etc. are very crucial in determining the effective built environment features and qualities on walking behaviors.


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