The Necessity of Conservation and Restoration in Modern Axiological Approach to Historic Monuments

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.

3 Ph.D. Candidate of Architecture, School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran


Any monument that is deemed competent for conservation and restoration, is bringing the values of their creation time and then. Thus with any work which is conserved and restored, in fact, the culture and civilization is maintained. Because of the intrinsic link between “history” and “conservation”, it is necessary to reflect on related factors to the restoration, and the importance and necessity of it. When it comes to art and history, logical necessity requires the third factor; humans who formulate the subject and are the creator of art piece and history. Thus, the concern of this investigation is analyses of the cognitive value of history and the layering effect of these three factors interacting with each other. The
method of the present study is the cognitive value analysis of historic monuments based on philosophical and logical arguments. In addition to these two categories, the historical values are also considered and then their relationship is discussed and evaluated. As much as the human considers an ontological and epistemological value for himself, he can consider it for others. The manner by which human comprehends his existential and noetic values, defines the way he understands the outside world and therefore the value position of history and the piece of art is confirmed. It must be understood what is the perception of people (either experts or ordinary ones) from themselves and their surroundings when they are standing in the courtyard of a historic mosque or in the area of an ancient city. As long as this question is not answered correctly, not even a step forward can be taken towards the understanding of the current conditions of
architectural restoration and conservation. 


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