City Development Requirements, Case Study: Boroujerd

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. of Urban Planning, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.

3 M.A. of Urban Design, Faculty of Urban and Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.


The rapid growth of the population and, consequently, the rapid expansion of cities are one of the most important issues in today’s urban planning .Physical expansion and social inconsistency are two evident phenomena in forming many western cities in Iran. The former can be a result of natural population growth, rural-urban migration, population and activity centralism, and generally housing. However, the latter is a byproduct of urban socio-ecologic conditions or the geographic location. The consequences of the aforesaid phenomena are some issues such as overriding farmland and outskirt gardens, destroying natural urban landscape, and, above all, neglecting inner-city areas and consequently urban deterioration. Many designers and administrators of urban land use optimization impact on the development of interior as a possible solution to the dispersion, by increasing the density and rehabilitation of impoverished and disadvantaged neighborhoods. Inland development or development in the existing urban areas with relatively high population density and construction prevents excessive dispersion, while low development on the margins, creates demand for construction on agricultural and forestry lands. The theory of internal development is one of the three theories of urban development , along with the theory of continuous urban development (creating settlements connected with the city and within the legal boundaries of the city), and the theory of discrete or explicit urban development (creating new cities with distance from the mother city). In this type of development, the old, worn out and inefficient urban texture is restored, refurbished and renovated. Bare and abandoned urban areas are being used and modified, dismantled and disproportionately used by urban areas such as prisons, military barracks, factories and disturbing industries within the city. The level of passages and access networks, the level of green space and ultimately, all elements in the city are closer to urban standards. But what should be considered is that internal development does not focus solely on physical problems and tries to analyze all social, economic, housing, etc. Since this type of development is not carried out outside of the city without any connection with urban texture, the appropriateness and harmony of this type of development with the adjacent texture is achieved, which should be observed in each program and design of this kind. The city of Boroujerd, like many other cities in the country, was a target destination for villagers after the land reform, which resulted in an abnormal and, of course, disastrous development of the city, so that many of the orchards around the city were destroyed and later built. This trend is now continuing to be less intense, which caused itself to disperse over the city over time, as a result of rising city and municipality costs and the poor quality of service. The city of Boroujerd, like many other cities in the country, has been dispersed. Construction developments were used in all spaces which helped the city to be developed internally. One part of the city that has internal development capabilities is the worn out texture of Boroujerd city center. This paper aims to analyze the worn-out texture of downtown Boroujerd, in terms of its potential internal development. Urban socioeconomic context should be analyzed to examine development potentials from inside. This library-field research paper is evaluation-analysis based with quantitative-qualitative data. To assess the spatial capacity, the Analytical Hierarchy Process was used while to assess the environment using the Delphi Method, the environmental, socioeconomic, and physical aspects were evaluated and analyzed. The findings show that the downtown areas are capable of being developed internally given the vacant and disused lots and critical industries on one hand and the availability of environmental and socioeconomic conditions as well as worn-out texture on the other hand. It would be possible to ease housing density and, as a result, the population density internally in neighborhoods which help them to make use of the mentioned spaces. Thus, it is possible to make the best and most efficient use of the urban spaces in Boroujerd using the freed land and the current infrastructure. Therefore, with the design and implementation of internal development, we will be able to abandoned spaces, ruined and abandoned buildings and vacant land. Creation of the necessary uses and moving disturbing industries out of the city, in addition will create the necessary uses and meeting the needs of the people. The section improves access, and avoids social problems and abnormalities, and places while the overall context of the text in good condition.


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