Evaluation of the Sensemaking Principles from Mashrabiya to Contemporary Balconies Indoor and Outdoor Interaction of Houses in Kermanshah

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate of architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author).



Change in lifestyle and living in apartments, gradual removal of courtyards, porches, and semi-open spaces, reduced importance of indoor and outdoor interaction, failure to observe visibility and privacy, lack of attention to human needs for open and green space and its desired effects on occupants have led to inconsistencies in living space of the house. The status of indoor and outdoor interaction of the house is considered with emphasis on semantic aspects of life, the influence of intermediate space on this qualification, evaluation of sensemaking qualities affecting the definition of intermediate space and its improvement considering whether the variation in indoor and outdoor ratio affects these meanings or is influenced by them. This a qualitative study in terms of nature and analytical research in terms of objective. The data is gathered through a combination of written library references and field surveys; first, theorists' criteria about the features of Mashrabiya and its role in the quality of life are considered as initial hypotheses of study then these criteria are tested by going to the houses of residents in Kermanshah to obtain new data. Data analysis is based on the Grounded Theory to describe and analyze the opinions of house occupants. Sixteen samples of balconies in contemporary houses of Kermanshah City were analyzed and compared to the Mashrabiya as functional elements in Islamic civilization and based on the main category of research "sensemaking of life in the house" and some concepts were obtained that included six more abstract categories. Therefore, residents preferred the following elements: "privacy and view control," "protection," "multifunctionality and flexibility," "control light, heat, and ventilation," "3:2 ratios and being right-corner,” and “sense of belonging and attachment.” Ultimately, this study explained the theory of the relationship between components actualizing semantic quality and sensemaking in intermediate spaces.


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