A Comparative Study of the Qualities of Visual and Physical Accessibility in the Spatial Patterns of Contemporary and Traditional Houses Using the Space Syntax Technique

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran (Corresponding Author).

2 Ph.D. in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran.



Changes in people's lifestyles and culture over time have led to major changes in the spatial system of contemporary houses compared to traditional houses. These changes have sometimes resulted in different qualities in the spatial system of houses, one of the most important of which is the change in the (physical and visual) access qualities in contemporary houses compared to traditional houses. Therefore, the present study aims to compare the qualities of visual and physical accessibility in traditional and contemporary residential uses in Iran and to identify the factors affecting these changes. So, the main research question is: How do the qualities of visual and physical accessibility influence the structure of spaces and the connections between them? To answer the question, in the "Analysis" section, the Depthmap software is used, the outputs of which are used to analyze the intended patterns. The samples examined in this research include four traditional single-courtyard houses and four apartments, as contemporary samples, in Kashan City. For each of both traditional and contemporary groups, visual and physical accessibility is analyzed separately using the abovementioned software, and after extracting the characteristics of each of them from the software, the similarities and differences between them are described and analyzed. An important part of the results indicates that changes in different states of physical and visual accessibility in houses are one of the fundamental factors effective in the emergence of spatial qualities or changes in them and in general, the logic of spatial configuration in the interiors of houses. Therefore, the type of accessibility, either physical or visual, causes many differences and similarities between the characteristics of spatial configuration in houses, especially in traditional houses, which have more categorizable qualities.


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