To Investigate Feeling of Territory and in Territory Traveling in Urban Parks, Case study: Saee Park

Document Type : Original Article


Territory is referred to that part of urban places from which individuals or a group of people benefit continuously and they protect that place against foreigners and troublesome people because of belonging and ownership felling to there. Any personalization and marking the environment or protecting against trouble is a kind of territory traveling. If public territories in urban spaces are not separated properly, disturbance will be happened in the environment and people become forced to entangle in environment in order to obtain desirable interaction boundary. Reinforcing the territory in parks causes to make an environment in which users have a belonging and ownership feeling which leads to supervise parks by the users, to increase the security and safety and usage extent and finally to increase social interactions in urban environment which is the ideal purpose of designing based on behaviorism. The purpose of this research is to investigate the trend of territory effect on place usage and the manner of applying methods toward territory feeling in urban parks. To categorize these items, the best method is field study of park and drawing important indications of creating territory feeling in that park. Obtained results indicated that making territory and ownership feeling and to stimulate traveling territory behavior in citizens is necessary in public places especially parks in a way that it helps to increase efficiency and to improve security of environment. And to achieve this, different methods and solutions are applied which are: precision in view and sight designing, making places with natural view, suitable and proper luminescence and various facilities such as sitting places, suitable tables, sport equipments, attractive ways with low slope and etc.
